Just the black notes

Best 8 minutes and 54 seconds of the day.

The following note was added 8/31/2010

Sounds good but I’m told the story is not true. This just in from a PhD in Church history:

“The black note thing is historically wrong. Totally. The tune we associate with amazing grace is called New Britain. It was not composed until 8-10 years after Newton died. AG was sung to several different tunes before the current tune. Also the five note scale is not only African but also the basis for bagpipes and many other primitive or basic instruments.”

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3 Comments on “Just the black notes”

  1. Kurt Says:

    powerful…a step or two beyond not saying the “N” word. God help us…

  2. Hollinger Says:

    Great – thanks Dan. Freak it up bro

  3. Joli Says:

    Thanks! We are studying the Civil War this year in our homeschool. We will be watching this.

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